26 February 2020

The Railway Test Agency (AEF) Called Upon to Measure Air Quality Following the Notre-Dame and Lubrizol Fires

During 2019, France was hit by several major accidents, with significant environmental consequences. In the context of the growing concern for ‘environmental health’, the potential health impact of air, water and ground pollution has created a furore. Several studies have been conducted to evaluate the short- and long-term risks on people and the environment. In its capacity as an expert in physico-chemical analysis, Eurailtest partner, The Railway Test Agency (AEF), has been called upon to carry out air quality measurements in the Public Access Buildings near the areas in question.

21 pollutants analysed in connection with the fire at the Lubrizol factory, Rouen

The serious fire that occurred in the Rouen factory on 26 and 27 September, raised many questions about toxicity and exposure to the plume of smoke and the consequences of pollution on agriculture and water etc.

The Railway Test Agency (AEF) measured air pollutants in nearby Public Access Buildings. 21 pollutants, matching those identified by the authorities, were monitored for three weeks after this accident. All concentrations of these pollutants were found to be below existing regulatory thresholds, the results helped eliminate the risk of persistent air pollution following this event.

Photo credit : LeLaisserPasserA38


Measurement of lead concentrations in the air around Notre-Dame

The Notre-Dame fire on 15 April 2019 has had numerous environmental consequences, including heavy lead pollution, particularly in the immediate vicinity of the cathedral. So, surface samples taken by the Central Laboratory of the Paris Police Prefecture showed very high concentrations of lead deposited on the square in front of the cathedral. The Railway Test Agency (AEF) was asked to carry out several operations to measure lead concentrations in the air in the Public Access Buildings and inside RER B. These measurements showed results well below regulatory thresholds.

Photo credit : The Railway Test Agency (AEF)


Eurailtest: comprehensive expertise in human exposure

Within SNCF, the Railway Test Agency’s main mission is to measure and assess the human exposure of staff and passengers.

With the additional expertise provided by the RATP Test and Measurement Laboratory, Eurailtest offers services that can combine fire safety qualification tests and air quality analyses in different environments.

Photo credit : The Railway Test Agency (AEF)


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