Noise and Vibration Exposure
Eurailtest measures the noise and vibrations exposure in the workplace.
Workplace noise
Check that level of daily noise exposure of personnel in the workplace complies with relevant standards and regulations, and improve hearing comfort.
Tests objectives :
- Measure daily exposure of employees to noise at their individual workstations in relation to the regulations in force
- Predict noise levels of production sites by means of calculations
- Study hearing protectors
- Analyze measurements with regard to health and safety at work regulations
- Check conformity of new and improved workstations
Tests facilities :
- Noise exposure meters, portable noise dosimeters, sound level meters and sound calibrators
- Software dedicated to noise measurements at the workplace
- Data acquisition systems for architectural measurements
- Software used for predictive measurements of noise levels in workshops
- Acoustic test chamber
- Data acquisition software for subjective study (CNRS/INRS)
- Software: dBTrait, dBWed, dBLEXD
Accreditations :
ISO/IEC 17025 awarded by COFRAC
Testing norms :
EN ISO 9612- Acoustics – Determination of occupational noise exposure – Engineering method
EN ISO 4869-2- Hearing protectors – Part 2: Estimation of effective A-weighted sound pressure levels when hearing protectors are worn
Labour Code applicable-
Order of 11 December 2015-
Whole-body vibrations
Checking the compliance of the exposure of works vehicle operators and train drivers to vibrations propagated throughout the whole of their bodies.
Tests objectives :
- Assess vibrations transmitted through the seat or feet of employees who use mobile machines or other work vehicles
- Measure vibration exposure experienced by employees at their individual workstations
- Compare the degree of exposure with the statutory limits
- Check that exposure level is below the regulatory threshold
- Validate workstation improvements
Tests facilities :
- Tri-axial accelerometers
- Multi-channel data acquisition device (LMS Scadas or 01dB NetdB)
- Chair seat pads used with tri-axial accelerometers (that can be placed under the seat)
- Vibrometry equipment
Testing norms :
EN 14253-Mechanical vibration – Measurement and calculation of occupational exposure to whole-body vibration with reference to health – Practical guidance
ISO 2631-1 & -5- Mechanical vibration and shock – Evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration – Part 1: General requirements – Part 5: Method for evaluation of vibration containing multiple shocks
Labour Code applicable-
Hand-arm vibration
Checking the compliance of the vibrations transmitted into the palms, fingers and arms of employees when handling power tools.
Tests objectives :
- Measure worker exposure to handtransmitted vibrations in the workplace – primarily for track maintenance and rolling stock staff
- Compare the degree of exposure with the statutory limits
- Validate workstation improvements
Tests facilities :
- Regular and tri-axial accelerometers
- Multi-channel data acquisition device
Testing norms :
EN ISO 5349-2- Mechanical vibration – Measurement and evaluation of human exposure to hand-transmitted vibration — Part 2: Practical guidance for measurement at the workplace
ISO 2631-1- Mechanical vibration and shock – Evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration – Part 1: General requirements
Labour Code applicable
![Vibrations main-bras](
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