26 February 2018

AEF Carries Out EURODUAL Testing Procedures

Eurailtest perfoms electrical type approval tests for STADLER on the EURODUAL locomotive

Tests on the French railway network (RFN) are to be carried out in early April 2018 by experts at the Railway Test Agency (AEF), one of Eurailtest’s partner laboratories.

The first of these will be current collection quality characterisation tests. A number of measurements will be required to establish train-infrastructure compatibility: non-quality current collection factor, contact wire uplift and, more particularly, the arcing rate, all yardsticks used to gauge infrastructure – rolling stock compatibility.

The campaign will, in particular, comprise measurements to establish SAM S 003 compliance, the aim being to ensure that there are no “stray” currents in the electrical equipment on the train that could interfere with the proper working of the ground-based equipment.

Tests will focus more specifically on compatibility with track circuits, in other words the systems used to transmit low-intensity currents at pre-set frequencies through the rails to detect the presence of trains on the track. These systems are safety-critical in preventing the risk of collisions between trains.

The EURODUAL locomotive is highly original in that it is dual mode, dual voltage, hybrid and diesel-powered. It is the outcome of an innovative concept, designed to boost electrical power by combining diesel engine and electric traction chain outputs.

The EURODUAL test campaign is scheduled for completion at the end of May 2018.