4 September 2018

French Government Extends Eurailtest Research Tax Credit

The “Crédit Impôt Recherche” (research tax credit) is an incentive granted by the French authorities to help companies to fund their research, development and innovation activities.
Eurailtest clients have been able to enjoy the knock-on effects on this tax credit since 1999, when the company first qualified to benefit from the scheme.

Since its accreditation was due to expire at end 2017, an application for renewal was submitted to the Ministry for Higher Education, Research and Innovation. This focused on research work conducted at the Railway Test Agency (AEF) in connection with wheel-rail adhesion.

We are pleased to inform you that we have been granted a 3-year extension through until December 2020.

Eurailtest is constantly supportive of the research efforts of its clients and partners to promote rail sector development, as this tax credit example goes to show.