Measurement & Test Department (SNCF Réseau)
Infrastructure and signaling tests. SAINT-OUEN
At its premises in Saint-Ouen, the Measurement & Test Department performs measurement and testing services on railway infrastructure in the signalling, telecommunications and electrical engineering fields.
- Contribution to the type approval process on new lines in France and elsewhere,
- Type approval of products or systems used at fixed workstations or on the line,
- Predictive or preventive monitoring of railway systems and installations,
- Investigations, failure analyses, consultancy,
- Physical and digital development of measuring and monitoring systems,
- Equipment metrics and measuring chains.

- Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
- Electrification (SYE)
- Signalling Systems (SYS)
- Signalling Equipment (MAS)
- Mobile Test Equipment (MME)
- Ground-to-Train interaction (TBS)
- Metrics (METRO)
- Organisation on tests on the line (OEL)
SNCF RESEAU – The Measurement & Test Department has been awarded ISO 17025 accreditation for EMC tests in accordance with the EN 50121 standard on railway system and rolling stock emissions. Scope available on under the reference n°1-6139, for tests 50121; 50121-2 et 50121-3-1.
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Railway Expertise and Testing