ING Department RATP – ING/STF
Safety system operating reliability assessments. VAL DE FONTENAY
The ING Department contributes to the modernisation of the RATP and its major involvement in extending the light rail network in the Greater Paris region. It is also vital in exploiting the Group’s skills in high added value niche markets across the world.
Its fully integrated engineering services and ability to coordinate tests and manage mixed traffic operations (driverless and driver-controlled trains) are key success factors for its projects, customer satisfaction and for optimising its economic and social performance.
To achieve these goals, the ING Department consists of a technical centre staffed by someone thousand engineers spread across four functional units:
- ISE (Electrical Installations and Systems),
- OIT (Transport Infrastructures and Civil Works),
- STF (Rail Transport Systems),
- SVM (Passenger and Mobility Systems).
Access to the services of three of the RATP’s fully integrated engineering laboratories is now possible via Eurailtest.

Within the Engineering Department (ING), the Rail Transport System Unit (STF) is responsible for railway systems (metro, rapid transit and tram) with regard to signalling, automatic control systems, train command-control, passenger interchange and train operating support systems.
The Unit has a Systems Qualification group (QS).
It also heads two laboratories: AQM and AQL.
AQM (Rolling Stock Qualification Workshop) is skilled in the following fields:
- Physics of information (electronics, electricity) and knowledge management throughout the product life cycle;
- Electronics applied to railways (allowing for railway constraints);
- Rail sector operating security;
- Design of equipment for life spans of over 30 years (Skills maintenance, Management of obsolescence, Identical redesigns, Technology maintenance).
AQL (Software Qualification Workshop) validates or verifies the operating security of safety-critical software in all its development phases (SIL 3,4 ‐ EN 50128). Among other things, the laboratory uses:
- formal proofing techniques for software or configuration data using formal or semi-formal languages (B, PETRINETS, SCADE, etc.)
- static software analysis techniques
The laboratory can boast the requisite tools to perform these activities, including above all:
- The PERF workshop, a suite of tools and proof engines for applying formal proofing techniques to software
- OVADO², RATP software (T2/SIL4 qualified as per EN 50128:2011) for formal validation of project configuration data.
The ISE Unit operates in the following skills fields :
- Low tension and lighting,
- Management of electrical conduits,
- Power supply, Traction, Electromechanical Systems and Equipment,
- Heat and smoke vents,
- Thermal engineering and HVAC,
- Fluids networks,
- Industrial fluid processing
- Fire Safety Systems.
It also includes the EDE laboratory (Electrical Research and Sizing) which handles power supply simulation and modelling using the MARCADET software.
MARCADET is an innovative yet tried and tested simulation software that can be used to gauge the dimensions of your electrical infrastructures for the best value for money in relation to your particular needs.
This software has been constantly enhanced over the past nearly 40 years and is the culmination of the experience, skills and innovative drive of the integrated engineering services of the RATP Group. MARCADET software is specifically for DC current networks. Developed in house, it was tested on the legacy network before being released for use on other networks.
The STF technical unit works in the following fields:
It is fully familiar with the following technical fields:
Training and validation simulators |
The ISE technical unit works in the following fields:
It is fully familiar with the following technical fields:
End of life cycle |
The QS unit can boast COFRAC ISO 17020 accreditation. |
Our references
- Métros de Singapour
- Métro de Mexico
- Métro de Barcelone
- Métro d'Alger
- Métro de Stockholm
- La Société du Grand Paris
- Réseau de Toulouse (France)
- Réseau de Bakou (Azerbaïdjan)
- Réseau de Santiago (Chili)
- Réseau de Rio de Janeiro (Brésil)